Biblical Life Assembly is pleased to make available these inspirational teachings free of charge to all who hunger to know more of God and His Word. These teachings are presented from a Hebraic Heritage (Messianic) and Charimatic perspective. Dr. Michael K. Lake uses the richness of his knowledge of our Hebraic Heritage, Hebrew language, and then blends these truths into what God is saying prophetically to the Body of Messiah today. These messages have been spiritual feeding and changing the lives of believers around the world. We encourage you to come back every week and feed from the Word of God!
MP3 files can be played on your computer using MS Media Player and iTunes. There is no copy protection on these files, so you can share them with anyone hungry for the Word of God.
Now you can automatically download the MP3 audio version of our messages through iTunes as a podcast.
All of these resources are posted free to the Body of Christ. They are made available by the free will offerings of our friends worldwide. If you are blessed by these messages, we encourage you to give to help the continuation of this internet ministry.
We are now including the video links to our weekly messages right under the MP3 audio links. You can also subscribe to our channel at Youtube to be notified when new videos are available automatically. Go To YouTube Channel
02/05/2011 - Services cancelled because of weather. It might be a good time to purchase the Kindle version of Dr. Lake's new book on "Eating God's Way" and reading it this Sabbath. (See above)