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DocumentsWeekly MessagesComplete Series

BLA Free MP3 Complete Series

The series in the section teach biblical truth from both a charismatic and Hebraic perspective.  You will find them information, revelatory and challenging.  All messages are posted in MP3 format and all workbooks are posted in PDF.

MP3  MP3 files can be played on your computer using MS Media Player and iTunes.  There is no copy protection on these files, so you can share them with anyone hungry for the Word of God.


Love Gift to Biblical Life Assembly 

Love Gifts to BLA

All of these resources are posted free to the Body of Christ.  They are made available by the free will offerings of our friends worldwide.  If you are blessed by these messages, we encourage you to give to help the continuation of this internet ministry. 




New Wine Skins

God has begun doing something new in the earth.  The Body of Messiah must allow a new wine skin to be created in our hearts to accomodate the revelation of our priesthood in Messiah and the Tabernacle within!

The New Wine Skins 1 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 2 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 3 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 4 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 5 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 6 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 7 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 8 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 9 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
The New Wine Skins 10 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube
he New Wine Skins 11 MP3 Audio |

Paths to Walk In

New Series.  To be prepared for what is ahead of us, we need more than physical things.  We need to be "presence of God" driven!  This new series examines what should be the basics of our faith: how to walk with God!  It is time to replace the stepping stones of righteousness in the paths to walk in!

Paths to Walk In - Part 1 Audio MP3 | Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 2 Audio MP3 | Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 3 Audio MP3 | Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 4 Audio MP3 | Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 5 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 6 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 7  MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

 Paths to Walk In - Part 8 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 9 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 10 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 11 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 12 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 13 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Wak In - Part 14 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 15 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

Paths to Walk In - Part 16 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube

End of Days Spiritual WarfareEnd of Days Spiritual Warfare Series

We need to understand the core nature of spiritual warfare as revealed in Genesis 1 - 3 and recognize Lucifer's Long Game to prepare for the intense spiritual warfare at the End of Days.  This new series is a must for every believer to prepare for 2012 and beyond.

End of Days Spiritual Warfare Part 1 MP 3 Audio   |  Video on YouTube
End of Days Spiritual Warfare Part 2 MP3 Audio  |  Video on YouTube
End of Days Spiritual Warfare Part 3 MP3 Audio |  Video on YouTube
End of Days Spritiual Warfare Part 4 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube
End of Days Spiritual Warfare Part 5 Audio MP3 | Video on YouTube
End of Days Spiritual Warfare Part 6 Audio MP3 | Video on YouTube
End of Days Spiritual Warfare Part 7 Audio MP3 | Video on YouTube
End of Days Spiritual Warfare 8 Audio MP3  |  Video on YouTube



Atlanta Summit 2011Atlanta Summit

In July, Dr. Lake was asked by Dr.s Rickie and Ruth Holmes to minister at the Light of the World Tabernacle in Atlanta, GA.  Here are the four messages he delivered to their wonderful congregation.

Session One
Session Two
Session Three
Session Four

The Bond Servant

Biblical Life Bible Study

Today the Body of Christ has lost its understanding of the Bond Servant and how crucial it is to function properly in the Kingdom of God.  In this series, Dr. Lake lays an essential foundation scripturally on what a bond servant is, why it is important in the Kingdom, how to become one, and why God is speaking to us in this hour about it!

The Bond Servant - Part 1 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 2 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 3 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 4 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 5 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 6 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 7 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 8 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

 The Bond Servant - Part 9 MP3 AudioVideo on YouTube

The Bond Servant - Part 10 MP3 Audio | Video on YouTube

Series Now Complete


The Power of Walking with GodPower of Walking with God

The call of the believer is to walk with God.  Unfortunately, very few knows what that means and even fewer do it!  Learn what your true calling is.  Everything else you will do in life and ministry will only spring for the WALK!  It is the pathway to power, transformation, and blessing.

The Power of Walking with God - Part 1 MP3 Audio

The Power of Walking with God - Part 1 Video (on YouTube)

The Power of Walking with God - Part 2
The Power of Walking with God - Part 3
The Power of Walking with God - Part 4
The Power of Walking with God - Part 5: Spiritual Dynamics of the Tithe

The Power of Walking with God - Part 5: Spiritual Dynamics of the Tithe Video on YouTube

The Power of Walking with God - Part 6: Protocols for Promotion

The Power of Walking with God - Part 7: God vs. Mammon 1

The Power of Walking with God - Part 8: God vs. Mammon 2

The Power of Walking with God - Part 9: The Holy Spirit Within, Beside, and Upon 1

The Power of Walking with God - Part 10: The Holy Spirit Within, Beside, and Upon 2

The Power of Walking with God - Part 11: The Parable of the Ten Virgins & Learning to Increase the Anointing

The Power of Walking with God - Part 12: God Will No Longer Overlook

The Power of Walking with God - Part 13: Spiritual Warfare Lessons from Jerichp & Ai

Spiritual EntropyOvercoming Spiritual Entropy Series

Entropy is the second law of thermodynamics.  It is also a spiritual force in the universe.  Entropy is defined as "the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity b : a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder."  Learn how this force is affecting believers, large segments of the Church and how to overcome it!  You don't have to lose spiritual ground in your life anymore!

The Perils of Spiritual Entropy
Overcoming Spiritual Entropy - Part 1
Overcoming the Spirit of Entropy from DVD (Video will be posted for December's Edition of the Biblical Life Victory Briefing)
Overcoming Spiritual Entropy - Part 2
Overcoming Spiritual Entropy - Part 3
Overcoming Spiritual Entropy - Part 4

Series is Now Complete

Power for Overcoming the Conflict (New Added 12/13/2010)

Torah Scroll

The Feasts of the LORD and Their Spiritual Significance in the Life of the Believer

Have you ever looked at the Feasts of the LORD in Lev. 23 and wonder if they had any significance today in the life of the believer?  They were central to the worship of God until the third century A.D.  We have lost powerful truths of how the Feasts represent the work of Jesus (past, present and future) and how they apply prophetically to our lives today.  The Feasts are about bring the believer back into the rhythm of the Kingdom of God.  This powerful series will open your eyes to how the Kingdom functions, how Babylon has crept into the Church, and how the Feasts reveal more about the work of Jesus than anyone could have imagined.  This nine part series will build a solid foundation in your life about the Feasts and why they are important to every believer!

Note:  We are providing the MP3 Series as a free download.  You can also purchase this series on DVD with a professionally printed study guide.  (Click here to purchase DVD set.)

Feasts of the LORD - Session 01
Feasts of the LORD - Session 02
Feasts of the LORD - Session 03
Feasts of the LORD - Session 04
Feasts of the LORD - Session 05
Feasts of the LORD - Session 06
Feasts of the LORD - Session 07
Feasts of the LORD - Session 08
Feasts of the LORD - Session 09
Feasts of the LORD Study Guide in PDF

The Prophetic Significance of the Feast of Dedication (New - 12/04/2010)

Dynamics of Spiritual GatewaysSpiritual Doors and Gateways

The Body of Messiah has been disenfranchized from its Hebraic Heritage and has been thoroughly hellenized by Western civilization.  We do not understand the power of spiritual gateways, how they can be used for the Kingdom, and how the enemy can use them against us.  This new series will teach you what the early church knew about these gates and how it allowed them to flow in power.

Dynamics of Spiritual Gateways - Part 1 : What Happened in the Garden?
Dynamics of Spiritual Gateways - Part 2: The Gateway of the Mind
Dynamics of Spiritual Gateways - Part 3: Gateways to the Mind
Dynamics of Spiritual Gateways - Part 4: Spiritual Gateways and the Commandments of God
Dynamics of Spiritual Gateways - Part 5 : The Power of Word and the Image of Messiah Within

Dynamics of Spiritual Gateways - Part 6  : Understanding the Power of Doing the Word of God in the Earth.Forbidden Gates Book by Dr. Tom Horn

Link to Dr. Tom Horn's Book "Forbidden Gates" referred to by Dr. Lake in this message.


 MaturationThe Bride of Christ Maturing in the Lord of the Bride

Much of the Body of Christ spend their time like little children arguing when Daddy is supposed to come home rather than spend the time getting our chores does in the Kingdom.  It is time to move beyond the Laodicean Church and on to maturity!

Maturation of the Bride - Part 1
Maturation of the Bride - Part 2
Maturation of the Bride - Part 3 (The Healing of the Bride)
Jesus - The Ultimate Singularity in Space-Time & the Multi-Dimensional Reality of the Cross
Maturation of the Bride - Part 4


Kingdom of GodThe Kingdom

What is the Kingdom of God.  How do we enter into it and how do we move in its power?  A fresh biblical look at the Kingdom Messiah came to bring.

The Kingdom - Part 1
The Kingdom - Part 2
The Kingdom - Part 3
The Kingdom - Part 4
The Kingdom - Part 5
Biblical Life Victory Breifing for June:  The Kingdom
The Kingdom - Part 6
The Kingdom - Part 7
The Kingdom - Part 8
The Kingdom-  Part 9
The Kingdom - Part 10
The Kingdom - Part 11 (Hardwired for the Kingdom)

Turnaround AnointingThe Turnaround Anointing - 2010

God is speaking a prophetic word for 2010, that it will be the year of the "turnaround."  This anointing will not come automatically.  Every believer will need to work with the Holy Spirit and must systematically turn things around in every area of life.  This powerful ongoing series will forever change you life - if you will learn to flow with it!

2010: The Year of the Turnaround
Faith and Power
The Power of Being Willing and Obedient
Becoming Covenant Aware
Faith, Focus, Fight & Promotion
Restoration and the Turnaround Anointing
The Prayer of Jabez and the Turnaround Anointing
Refocus and the Turnaround Anointing
War Room Strategies and the Turnaround Anointing
Preparing for Deliverance
Passover: The Ultimate Turnaround
The Resurrection and the Turnaround
The Power and Purpose of Freedom
Let Faith Rise to New Levels

bread & wineThe Sabbath: A Biblical Investigation

This eight part series provides an in-depth study of what the Word of God about the Sabbath and how it applies to believers as they walk with Jesus.  "What is the Sabbath?"  "When does it start?"  "Is it important to New Testament believers?"  These are some of the many questions answered in this important series.

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2   Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 

Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 | Lesson 8

FlameHoly Fire - Strange Fire

In the powerful series, we investigate biblical both the fire of God and strange fire.  This is an eye opening series!  We need to learn the difference to move forward in these last days.

Holy Fire - Strange Fire: Part 1
Holy Fire - Strange Fire: Part 2
Holy Fire - Strange Fire: Part 3
Holy Fire - Strange Fire Part 4
Holy Fire - Strange Fire Part 5
Holy Fire - Strange Fire Part 6

stacks of moneyFoundations of Biblical Prosperity

There is so much confusion regarding biblical prosperity in the Body of Christ today.  Some teach that money is just going to fall from Heaven.  This is what the Bible really teaches?  Learn about the two systems in the world today for prosperity: one from God and one that originated in Babylon.  Learn how prosperity comes by becoming all that God wants you to be and creating the blessing around you.

pdf Foundations of Biblical Prosperity Workbook in PDF

Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 1
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 2
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 3
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 4
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 5
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 6
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 7
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 8
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 9
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 10
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 11
Foundations of Biblical Prosperity - Part 12

Rolling Up Sleeves to WorkPartnership with the Holy Spirit

True Messianic/Hebraic faith includes a partnership with the Holy Spirit that matches the life of Jesus and the early Church in the Book of Acts.  Learn how to establish this partnership of power and revelation for the last days.

Partnership with the Holy Spirit - Part 1
Partnership with the Holy Spirit - Part 2
Partnership with the Holy Spirit - Part 3
Partnership with the Holy Spirit - Part 4
Partnership with the Holy Spirit - Part 5

Mature ManSpiritual Disciplines in the Life of a Believer

This series picks up where the Partnership series ended.  We will be examining twelve spiritual disciplines that must be developed in the life of a believer for maturity and victory.

Spiritual Disciplines in the Life of a Believer - Part 1
Spiritual Disciplines in the Life of the Believer - Part 2
Spiritual Disciplines in the Life of the Believer - Part 3
Spiritual Disciplines in the Life of the Believer - Part 4
Spiritual Disciplines in the Life of the Believer - Part 5

Prophets GatheringProphetic Insights from Malachi (2009)

The Book of Malachi has a lot to say about where the Body of Messiah and the world is as we enter 2009 and beyond.  Let's see through prophetic eyes where we are and where we need to be!

Prophetic Insights from Malachi - Part 1
Prophetic Insights from Malachi - Part 2
Prophetic Insights from Malachi - Part 3
Prophetic Insights from Malachi - Part 4

CLimbing UpNext Level Living Seminar

With all of the political and financial chaos today, God is working to take the Body of the next level of living in this Kingdom.  This powerful series will teach you the principles of the Word to take you there.

Discover how you can receive college credit for this seminar in the workbook.

Next Level Living: Part 1 - To Hear
Next Level Living: Part 2 - To Stand
Next Level Living: Part 3 - To Speak
Next Level Living: Part 4 - to Speak & Transform
Next Level Living: Part 5 - To Build
Next Level Living: Part 6: The Dynamics of Work & the Power of Failure
Next Level Living: Part 7 - The Fear of the LORD
Next Level Living Workbook in PDF

Currents of the RiverCurrents of the Kingdom

The Word tells us that out of our hearts are supposed to flow "Rivers of Living Water."  In this series, learn what the currents within the river are and how to flow in them.

Currents of the Kingdom 1
Currents of the Kingdom 2
Currents of the Kingdom 3
Currents of the Kingdom 4
Currents of the Kingdom 5

running manBiblical Health and Healing

This four part series investigates, in a balanced approach, what the Word of God teaches about dietary laws.  It also examines current scientific discoveries that validate the wisdom of God found in Leviticus 11.  This series also touches on how unresolved negative emotions can damage our health.  Finally, steps are given on how to receive healing through the completed work of Jesus and communion.

Lesson 1Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4


Rabbi PrayingBuilding a Proper Prayer Closet

This six part series examines in great detail the instructions of Jesus on the need for and the elements involved in building a personal prayer closet.  Great care is given to show the Hebraic concepts of what was weaving into His powerful teaching.

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4

Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Bonus: Fasting 

Ark of the CovenantDwelling in the Shadow of Almighty God

Many believers think that the protection in Psalms 91 is automatic, it is not.  Nothing in the Word is automatic, from salvation to Christian growth:  all is a choice and requires our action.  This two part series looks at what the LORD requires to fully walk in His protective power.  A message that is packed with conviction and a eye-opener to walking with God.

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2

Understanding End TimesUnderstanding End Times

Everyone seems to be speaking of the end times today and the imminent return of Christ.  This series examines exactly what Jesus taught about His return and the things to look for.  Until you add an Hebraic understanding of the end times and the role of the Feasts of the LORD, you will miss much of what Jesus was talking about and the time of His return.

Lesson 1Lesson 2 | Lesson 3

Growing Tree with RootsGrowing in Grace

This series is a look at growing in grace by looking at the four different types of covenants in the word of God: (1)  Blood Covenant - Servanthood, (2) Salt Covenant - Friendship, (3) Shoe Covenant - Inheritance, and (4) Marriage Covenant.  Each of these represents stages in the lives of believers that will move us toward becoming the Bride of Messiah - without spot or wrinkle.

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 

Lesson 5 | 

blocksBack to the Basics

Somehow in all the advancing we have seen in the Body of Christ, we have left the basics.   The basics are what give us strength, clarity and power.  It is time to return to the basics of our faith and spiritual walk so that we can go on in the Lord.